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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Not Over

I really thought that it was over on my previous entry.

I was wrong.

It was not over as I thought it should have been.

I really thought that I could finally take a break and have a good holiday with my family.

I was wrong.

More scripts to mark. It was EET669. The writing and the speaking recordings need to be evaluated too.

So,I decided to complete 'everything' before going for a 'break'.

Yes, everything in inverted coma as I know that it's impossible to complete 'everything' before going for a break. So, I had completed all that I needed to do.

The next task to be completed is setting of the final exam questions.

Last week, I got my new timetable for this semester.

10 classes to teach for this semester and 3 codes to teach.

1. ELC501 English for Critical Academic Reading - 3 classes
2. ELC590 English for Oral Presentations - 4 classes
3.EWC661 English Report Writing - 3 classes

So,here I am. Blogging again to declutter my mind.
I have 2 days left to make preparation for the next semester.
The first class of the next semester begins this Sunday from 8am to 4pm.

Okay,let's print out all the attendance lists first!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

First Reflection of 2017

It's Thursday afternoon and very quiet. Nobody is around. I can only hear the chirping of the birds and the sound of the air-conditioner and my own typing at the keyboard of this computer. It has been a while since I've done any reflections on my teaching.

Oh yes! The semester has ended. I feel somewhat numb from the flooding loads of work that had to be completed last week.

It's over? I can't believe it is over!

My family and I actually stayed and slept in my office for 2 nights last week as we could not go home because of the flood that blocked the way to our home. I did not sleep as I was completing the uploading of the marks for all my 9 classes of 5 different codes.

Feeling overwhelmed. I just need to pour my reflection here to unload some of my thoughts that have been playing in my mind. Facebook updates have not been enough.

I need to spring-clean my room too. Need to get rid of those papers that are no longer necessary to be kept.

To be continued.

Going home.