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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Dictionary or Context clues?

My assumption is you most probably do not have your hard copy of the thick dictionary with you all the time. Definitely not carrying the dictionary everywhere you. Maybe you have your electronic dictionary with you or nowadays,having your smart phones to search for the meanings of words. with the internet connection, you can just google a word and get the results in less than a second. However, you can't do that all the time. Especially not when you are sitting for a test or examination! So,what should you do? Knowing how to identify the types of context clues can help you to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

Type of Context Clues
  1. Definition/Synonym Clue
  2. Contrast Clue
  3. Example Clue
  4. General Sense of the Sentence
  5. Clue from another Sentence
Context Clues include words in a sentence and a paragraph that allow readers to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.

You may ask yourself,
"What would it must mean in this sentence for me to understand?"

Understanding the context clues help you to understand the materials you read without having to constantly checking the meanings of the unfamiliar words.

    1. Definition/Synonym- search for: is defined as,means,that is, in other words
    2. Contrast - search for : but,such as, however,contrast
    3. Example - search for: for example, to illustrate, like, such as
    4. General sense of the sentence: something that you can relate with your own general knowledge and experience
    5. Clue from another sentence: another sentence that explains the unfamiliar words
                Source:Elder,J Exercise Your College Reading Skills

So,the next time you want to search for the unfamiliar words,try using context clues instead.

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